UIV-5031 Apache Spark : Deep dive into the Java API for developers | Voxxed Days Luxembourg

Apache Spark : Deep dive into the Java API for developers


bigd Big Data & Analytics


Thursday from 13:45 til 14:45

Apache Spark proposes a Java API as a first class citizen, yet does it use every feature of the language, such as lambdas, or does it have common pitfalls to avoid? We will dive into the Spark Java API through examples and live coding from our code base, by covering the basic usage and dependency management, unit testing with JUnit, launching from an IDE and integrating Spark code with our existing Java code base. Since Spark version 2.0, the unified DataFrame API makes Spark easier to use and faster to execute in Java, but there is still little documentation on specific use cases, and many syntax quirks make Scala code difficult to convert to Java. The slides and live coding will present the good, the bad and the ugly moments our Java development team encountered while using Spark.

Andrei Arion Andrei Arion

Andrei(@andreiarion) is working as a R&D Engineer in the Infrastructure team at LesFurets.com. His interests include learning methods, functional programming and database technologies and he’s a supporter of the #TIMEWELLSPENT movement.