Michael Plöd | Voxxed Days Luxembourg

Michael Plöd
Michael Plöd Twitter

From innoQ

Michael works a a Principal Consultant for innoQ in Germany. He has over 10 years of practical consulting experience in software development and -architecture. His main areas of interest are currently Domain Driven Design, the Spring Ecosystem, Event Sourcing, Microservices and Polyglot Persistence. Michael is a regular speaker at many (inter-)national conferences.

Blog: https://www.innoq.com

archisec Architecture, Performance and Security

Caching for Business Applications: Best Practices and Gotchas


Caching is relevant for a wide range of business applications and there is a huge variety of products in the market ranging from easy to adopt local heap based caches to powerful distributed data grids. Most of these caches are being promoted with examples from applications that have the luxury of having ‘eventual consistency’ as a non-functional requirement. Most business / enterprise applications don’t have that luxury.

This talks aims at developers and architects that want to adopt a caching solution for their business application. I will present 15 caching patterns and best practices for these kinds of applications that address the typical questions being asked in that context. These questions might be: ‘which data can I cache?’, ‘how can I handle consistency in a distributed environment?’, ‘which cache provider to choose?’ or ‘how do I integrate a cache provider in my application?’. This talk comes with many live demos.

TBA : To be announced / Salle non affectée