Cédric Pontet
From Agile Partner
Cédric is a seasonned software architect and Agile coach. He likes working with teams to achieve their goals and geeking around.
He is also co-founder of #play14, an event about facilitation, innovation, change management and happiness www.play14.org

Events everywhere : breaking monoliths and silos
Microservices and actors are a very trendy subject. You ear about them everywhere and it's the brand new thing. Except it's not.
These things have been coming back and forth in the industry for years, in different shapes and names. But they always rely on the same concepts of loose coupling and high cohesion, that we have been talking about for more than 30 years.
In this talk, we will see how events help you to decouple your applications in smaller independent components which do one thing and do it good. We will see that buying an expensive ESB from a major software vendor is not the solution to make your code more robust. We will see how a practical approach to messages and events can easily transform your application into something easier to understand, maintain and evolve.
We will also see how events can ease the pain when it comes to defining a ubiquitous language, used by both business and technical people, that allows better understanding of your problem domain and can even sometimes help you discover business insights and generate new business opportunities.
Keywords : DDD, CQRS, Event-sourcing, Messaging, Event-storming, Agile, BDD, Domain modeling