MLP-2453 Please welcome Angular 2 | Voxxed Days Luxembourg

Please welcome Angular 2


wm Web, HTML5 et UX


Wednesday at 15:00 - 16:00

Have you ever heard about Angular 2? It is the next major version of AngularJS. In this talk we will discover all the new hotness and concepts of Angular 2. Lots of new cool features that will make your Angular development a whole lot better. So grab some pop-corns and come watch the show.

Wassim Chegham Wassim Chegham

Wassim (@manekinekko) is an ECMAScript hacker and Google Developer Expert in AngularJS located in Paris. When he is not working on production ready webapps, he loves writing technical articles and tutorials, hacking on different technologies, speaking at conferences and contributing to open source projects (here is a gift for you