Skynet vs Planet of The Apes, fight !
Architecture, Performance and Security | |
Main Keynote Room |
Thursday from 11:15 til 12:15 |
TL;DR2 clusters Version longue> La singularité a eu lieu, l'ère des machines a éclos. Bientôt, l'emprise de Skynet, l'IA massivement distribuée et son armée de robots s'étendront à travers toute la planète. Heureusement, une armée de grands singes se dresse pour mettre fin à l’hégémonie de métal. > La bataille s'annonce épique ! Dans le rôle de Skynet, une plateforme Skynet résistera-t-elle aux assauts incessants de l'armée des grands singes ? Cette session décalée revient en détail sur les aspects d’ingénierie IT mis en œuvre pour arriver à un tel résultat : résilience, scalabilité, architecture micro-services, plateforme multi-clouds, conteneurs, orchestration, ou encore stockage distribué n'auront plus de secret pour vous ! |
Adrien Blind |
Adrien is a former consultant from Octo Technology, a French IT consulting firm. He recently joined Societe Generale as a DevOps coach, driving a Infra as Code product offer and helping Dev teams leveraging on these nex principles and tools. Fond of Docker, he's Docker Captain, and manage the Paris Docker Meetup. |
Jérôme Petazzoni |
Jérôme is a senior engineer at Docker, where he helps others to containerize all the things. In another life he built and operated Xen clouds when EC2 was just the name of a plane, developed a GIS to deploy fiber interconnects through the French subway, managed commando deployments of large-scale video streaming systems in bandwidth-constrained environments such as conference centers, operated and scaled the dotCloud PAAS, and various other feats of technical wizardry. When annoyed, he threatens to replace things with a very small shell script. |
Laurent Grangeau |
Laurent Grangeau is a cloud solutions architect at Finaxys. He coaches applications to move to continuous delivery and implements cloud in large companies. Docker enthusiast from the beginning, he participates actively at co-organizing meetups. Occasional speaker, he speaks about continuous delivery and deploying apps at scale. |
Ludovic Piot |
DevOps for 10 years, now. Found of those Python and Go stuff that make life easier. |