UQN-8111 SSL/TLS for Mortals | Voxxed Days Luxembourg

SSL/TLS for Mortals


archisec Architecture, Performance and Security


Thursday from 10:15 til 11:15

Using SSL/TLS the right way is often a big hurdle for developers. We prefer to have that one colleague perform "something with certificates", because he/she knows how that works. But what "that one colleague" is enjoying vacation and something goes wrong with the certificates?

In this session we'll take a close look. Starting with what exactly SSL and TLS is, we'll dive into public/private keys, and signing. We'll also learn what all this has to do with an unfortunate Dutch notary. Of course, there'll be plenty of practical tips & trics, as well as demo's.

Attend this session to become "that one colleague"!

Maarten Mulders Maarten Mulders

Enthusiastic senior developer and trainer. Passionate about "building the right thing" and "building the thing right". Seasoned in Java and JavaScript, recently entangled by Scala and Akka. Love to share new ideas and knowledge.