CMU-0223 Modern API Authentication 101 | Voxxed Days Luxembourg

Modern API Authentication 101


archisec Architecture, Performance and Security


Friday from 11:15 til 12:15

Authentication is something hard but mandatory. It's the process by which an application confirms user identity, and your API security is depending on it. What are today, the available choices for you? This talk approaches modern methods to ensure scalable, stateless, distributed authentication. Forget simple HTTP basic-auth authentication process and embrace OAuth, JWT, and advanced tokens management.

L'authentification est quelque chose de difficile mais de nécessaire. C'est par ce procédé qu'une application est à même de confirmer l'identité d'un de ses utilisteurs, en d'autres mots, la sécurité de votre API en dépend. Quelles sont aujourd'hui les technologies disponibles pour vous ? Cette présentation présente des méthodes modernes d'authentification scalables, stateless et distribuées. Oubliez le token unique envoyé via HTTP basic auth, accueillez OAuth, JWT et la gestion de token avancée.

Léo Unbekandt
Léo Unbekandt

Entrepreneur and Hacker, building new stuff thanks to technology is what I love to do. CTO and founder of the PaaS provider Scalingo for 4 years, I've focused my efforts on building distributed infrastructures, and hosting-related technologies especially linux containers. I like telling the world how it is to run such things in production and how it has been built. Otherwise I like cooking and hiking, but that's another story.

TBA : To be announced / Salle non affectée