Je suis un développeur Freelance passionné, en particulier de Java, Kotlin et Web. Je m'intéresse aussi particulièrement à la sécurité applicative (AppSec). J'aime chercher/corriger des bugs de sécurité, mais aussi partager et mettre en place les bonnes pratiques.
Twitter : @adrienpessu
More and more teams have adopted DevOps with the goal of deploy to production faster. The DevOps principles invite Developers and Ops to work together with the same tools and methods.
Using DevOps it is now standard to have automatic builds, tests and deployment, but what about Security?
Application Security is too often, a "thing" that happens too late in the process... and often it is not even a "thing". Many reasons or excuses are mentioned from complexity, or the impact on productivity; also we often believe that it is happening to others.
It is time to apply the DevOps principles and goals to Security, this is what DevSecOps is promising !
Using DevOps without being an expert, developer can deploy infrastructure - thanks to Terraform, Kubernetes, Serverless, ....-, With DevSecOps, you will be able to deploy application that are more secured !
During this presentation, based on real life experience and demonstration, you will see that it is possible to add security to your DevOps without impacting developer productivity!