Marek Jelen | Voxxed Days Luxembourg

Marek Jelen
Marek Jelen Twitter

From OpenShift by Red Hat

Marek currently works as a Developer Advocate at Red Hat, where his task is to introduce Containers, Kubernetes, OpenShift and other cool technologies to engineers, architects, etc. Before joining Red Hat Marek worked as a Ruby, PHP and Java engineer and consultant. He is one of the founders of the Brno Ruby User Group (BRUG) and is a long-time advocate of FOSS.


cldops Cloud & Scaling

Blue-green Deployments, A/B Testing, and Canary Releases on Kubernetes


Come and learn how you can start your first Kubernetes cluster, how you can set up a Jenkins Continuous Delivery pipeline not only to build and test your cloud native applications but also how to deploy them in a controlled and predictable way. We will present in detail how to implement Blue-green Deployments, A/B Testing, and Canary Releases on Kubernetes.

TBA : To be announced / Salle non affectée