YMO-1725 Blue-green Deployments, A/B Testing, and Canary Releases on Kubernetes | Voxxed Days Luxembourg

Blue-green Deployments, A/B Testing, and Canary Releases on Kubernetes


cldops Cloud & Scaling


Friday from 15:00 til 16:00

Come and learn how you can start your first Kubernetes cluster, how you can set up a Jenkins Continuous Delivery pipeline not only to build and test your cloud native applications but also how to deploy them in a controlled and predictable way. We will present in detail how to implement Blue-green Deployments, A/B Testing, and Canary Releases on Kubernetes.

Peter Palaga
Peter Palaga

Senior sustaining engineer for WildFly Camel. Worked also on JBoss EAP, Hawkular and other Red Hat Middleware projects. Author of srcdeps and contributor to several Maven and Gradle plugins.

Marek Jelen
Marek Jelen

Marek currently works as a Developer Advocate at Red Hat, where his task is to introduce Containers, Kubernetes, OpenShift and other cool technologies to engineers, architects, etc. Before joining Red Hat Marek worked as a Ruby, PHP and Java engineer and consultant. He is one of the founders of the Brno Ruby User Group (BRUG) and is a long-time advocate of FOSS.

TBA : To be announced / Salle non affectée